Lunch Menu

1. Súpa dagsins
Soup of the day

 1.490 kr.

2. Humarsúpa að hætti Tilverunnar
Lobster soup a la Tilveran

 3.190 kr.


3. Rauðspretta með humarsósu (súpa dagsins fylgir)
Fillet of plaice with lobster sauce (the soup of the day included)

 3.990 kr.

4. Steiktur þorskur með piparsósu (súpa dagsins fylgir)
Fried cod with pepper sauce (the soup of the day included)

 3.990 kr.

5. Kryddhjúpaður steinbítur (súpa dagsins fylgir)
A spiced seawolf (the soup of the day included)

 3.990 kr.

6. Tagliatelle með 80g af hvítlauksristuðum humri í rjómasósu 
Tagliatelle wit 80g of garlic roasted lobster tails in cream sauce

5.490 kr.


7. Heimalöguð súkkulaðikaka
Homemade chocolate cake

 1.690 kr.


Special offer


8. Fiskréttur dagsins (súpa dagsins fylgir)
Fish of the day (the soup of the day included)

 3.590 kr.

9. Kjötréttur dagsins (súpa dagsins fylgir)
Meat of the day (the soup of the day included)

 5.490 kr.


Milli 12 og 13 er hægt að skipta út súpu dagsins fyrir humarsúpu fyrir 1.800kr. til viðbótar

Between 12 and 1 pm you can replace the soup of the day with lobster soup for 1.800 kr. in addition